Extrait du livre de Franz Bardon

"Sans la connaissance de Soi, il n'est pas d'ascension véritable." Franz Bardon.

"Dans aucune oeuvre parue jusqu'aujourd'hui, le vrai sens de la première carte du tarot n'a été aussi clairement décrit que dans mon livre. Aucun initié, de quelque rang qu'il puisse être, ne peut donner plus à l'élève, pour débuter, que ce que lui offre ce livre". Franz Bardon.

Dans ce livre, le mot magie signifie connaissance subtil de l'être humain avec application à la vie quotidienne.

Cette magie est la connaissance qui libère de la condition humaine et donne une véritable puissance d'action.

L'ignorance est le fléau à combattre, car elle maintient prisonnier les possibilités inouïes de l'être Humain.

Chacun peut retrouver les pouvoirs créateurs qui sont les siens.

Lecture dans l'ordre de la progression:

Franz Bardon stands out in this century as the author, teacher and practitioner of "the science of magic." His work is always directed to the empowerment of the individual so initiation can be attained. The Bardon books represent the pinnacle of magical art and attainment.

INITIATION INTO HERMETICS, A Course of Instruction in Magic Theory and Practice, Franz Bardon

The author states: "In reality, magic is a sacred science, it is, in the very true sense the sum of all knowledgewhere ever authentic initiation is at stake, one has to proceed on the same basis, according to the same rules, irrespective of the name given by this or that creed. This work has exclusively been written for those who seek the pure truth and the supreme Wisdom." It includes the complete revelation of the first Tarot Card. Part I thoroughly establishes the theory underlying magic and dispels any misconceptions. Part II covers ten steps in the practice of magic including: thought control, astral magic, transplantation of consciousness, trance, clairvoyance, mental travel, the magical mirror, the charging of talismans and conscious communion with God. 294pp., hardback, 5.5 X 8, 0-914732-10-2 $29.95
French edition : Le Chemin de la Véritable Initiation Magique, 456pages


THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, Instructions for Invoking Spirits from the Spheres Surrounding Us, Franz Bardon

The second book presents the next stages of magical development. Includes the complete revelation of the second Tarot Card. While realizing there are no supernatural beings or miracles, the student learns how everything is possible through the appropriate spiritual laws and powers. Part I discusses the magical aids and their uses: the circle, the mirror, the wand, the sword, the pentacle and the garment; advantages and disadvantages of evocational magic. Part II explains in detail the hierarchy of the spheres, including the spirits of the four elements, planetary intelligences and communication with spirit beings. Part III concludes with a complete set of illustrations of the seals of spirit beings. "There may only be progress, onward to those 'brilliant heights' which are in store for those who spare no effort, taking in hand courageously and unflinchingly their spiritual ascent." Otti Votavova. 492pp., hardback, 5.5 X 8.5, 0-914732-11-0.00

THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABBALAH, The Quabbalist as a Soverign in the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, Franz Bardon

The third book in the course of Hermetic Science in which Theurgy or the the cosmological, divine science of letters is studied. Included is the complete revelation of the third Tarot Card. Part I: the theory of the Quabbalah, including the esoterics of letters, mantras, tantras and the Tetragrammaton. Part II: introduces Theurgical practice in ten steps and the ten Quabbalistic keys. Part III: teaches the use of the keys, formulas and the use of Divine names and beings. Diagrams and photographs. 279pp., hardback, 5.75 X 9, 1-885928-05-X. New Translation, printing and cover, February '97

FRABATO THE MAGICIAN, (new translation), Franz Bardon

Although written in the form of a novel, Frabato is in fact the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon. Set in Dresden, Germany in the early 1930's it chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate day of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of his spiritual mission.Threaded throughtout the true tale, and written between the lines, are many valuable and practical esoteric lessons. 165pp., hardback, 6 X 9, 0-914732-13-7 $19.95



in French. The English title would read "Memories of Franz Bardon." Published in 1994 and written by his son and Dr. M. K., this rarely seen book offers a brief overview of Bardon's life and teachings. It's tangible value for the English speaker lies with its 27 pages of photographs, printed on glossy stock, of Bardon as a young man, with his wife, with students and in later stages of life. It also includes photographs of several documents bearing his signature. French language edition, printed in Germany. 109pp., quality paperback 5 X 8, 3-921338-19-0

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